L-Lamella Technology

The technology of separator has surfaced in the market for about 70 years. It can be considered as an older technology.

L-Lamella is an invention by Proair GmbH. Their research and development team invented the L-Lamella separator after testing out a few hundred different separators. One of their innovative changes that is able to trap the finest dust. Customers can simply clean the L-Lamella regularly. This is why Delphin can still clean effectively and efficiently without the filter. With L-Lamella technology, there is no need for dust bag and filter.

Delphin All Around Cleaning

Air cleaning

Carpet cleaning

Floor cleaning

Mattress cleaning


Size (length x width x height):

  • body without trolley: 30cm x 30cm x 41cm
  • with trolley: 39.5cm x 33.5cm x 47.5cm

Power consumption: 100w to 1200w (in response to the user to adjust the speed switch)

Speed: 22,000 revolutions per minute
